Today is the last day of my break from Dungeonmans. I’m flying back home from Seattle after a truly special trip to an old comrade’s house to help him with his new project. I’ve seen so many of my friends go off on their own over the last 12 months, layoffs plagued the industry and they always spawn a crop of developers who feel that the time is right to set off on new adventure. There’s room enough for everyone who wants to provide something new, interesting, or just plain fun. Best of luck to all of us!
Keeping that in mind, there’s been no Dungeonmans development on my end, which would make this Development Update a bit hollow. Fortunately, Artistmans Bobby Frye has been cranking away on various pieces of the Dungeonmans world, and with his blessing I’ll share some of his work here. Props, rocky grass, various items that litter the scrobold warrens of the world, and the start of a new environment: caves!
That’s it for this week. Now I’m off to stuff myself into an airplane seat for about seven hours of travel. Good thing I’ve packed some (pre-identified) sleeping potions to help the trip go by quickly! Next week I’ll have plenty more to talk about, but until then, enjoy some of Bobby’s work.