The most likely place for you to do this is your local grocery store, but there may be other options. Search the map carefully!
Make sure you get a receipt, and then take a picture of said receipt. This is your [Proof of Altruism]. Please make sure the entire receipt is visible and legible.
Click one of the links on the main page to email your [Proof of Altruism] in and receive a game key in return.
If the charity bag at your grocery store is $9.99 or something we're not gonna split hairs here. Also if you live in another nation whose currency is not Eagles of Courage, there's no need to consult exacting currency conversion tables and liquidity markets. Just eyeball it.
Find a location where you can physically donate towards hunger relief. This may involve researching at old libraries, scouring the wilds, talking to NPCs, and braving parts of your local world map you may not have visited otherwise. If you go on this type of journey, write it up in your email! We all love stories of adventure.
That is noble and commendable, but for the purposes of Stop The Hunger Clock you are asked to visit a local institution in person to donate towards the cause of hunger relief, and in return receive a hard copy receipt.
Truly you are possessed of a gilded, gleaming soul. That said, to participate in Stop The Hunger Clock the primary purpose of your donation must be towards hunger relief.
If you plan on donating more than 30 dollars toward local hunger relief, please check in via email first and describe your plan. We will work something out.
Keys are sorted and delivered by hand so there may be a short wait. If you turn in your donation during late evening / early morning hours Pacific Time, the wait may be longer than usual.
The developers have made generous contributions of varying levels, and most keys are finite in supply. When a supply gets low, the site will be updated. If you absolutely had your heart set on a particular game when you donated but the keys ran out, email anyway and we'll see what we can do together.
200+ Steam keys for all sorts of games, donated by players who wanted to help with hunger relief. They are all types of game from every genre. Pick this option and you'll receive a number of keys chosen at random with the goal the total store value of the games being worth at least as much as the contribution you made toward hunger relief.
Not at all! Email and we'll start a discussion
Wednesday 22 November 2017 at 11:59pm Pacific. All proofs turned in up to that point will be honored. After that, your deeds of philanthropy will be remembered.
Wouldn't be a roguelike themed event without a challenging UI.